We are a Spanish pharmaceutical group with 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector, which has prioritized innovation since its inception.
Our structure vertically integrates from Research and Development, Manufacturing, and Distribution, to the Commercialization of medicines, food supplements and health products.
Farmasierra operates in Spain since 1996. The facilities in San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid) house the offices, as well as the production plant and the R+D Centre. The facilities in Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara) house the logistics centre and the marketing company
The group consists of a team of 200 people and is made up of four companies.

Parent company, which groups the general activities of General Management, Finance, Digital, IT, Human Resources and Organization, Security and Legal Compliance.
It consists of two areas of activity: Research and Development (R&D) and Manufacturing of medicines, food supplements and health products, with international activity.
Marketing company specialized in the promotion of medicines and other pharmaceutical products in Spain and the licensing of products at an international level.
Pharmaceutical logistic operator, which develops its activity in the Spanish territory.
Our Vision
It is that of a sustainable pharmaceutical group in the long term, an international benchmark, which provides innovative products and quality services in the pharmaceutical sector.
Our Mission
To research, develop, manufacture and offer innovative pharmaceutical products to help improve people’s health and quality of life.
Our Values
Our Values are the fundamental basis of our company and guide our decisions and actions:
- Patients are our reason for being.
- A qualified, specialized, professional, honest and committed team, aware of the company’s values and of the importance of our work and our responsibility to our clients and to society.
- Excellence in our products and services.
- Respect and care of the environment.
At Farmasierra Group we have a Code of Ethics which contains the criteria that should guide all our activities, serving us as a guide to act with integrity, commitment and transparency, and respecting the highest professional standards and the most rigorous ethical principles.
This Code is applicable to all the Group’s employees and executives, who are bound to comply with it, endowing us with legitimacy and making us worthy of our customers trust and the society’s as a whole.
If you have any further questions regarding our Code of Ethics or need to contact our Compliance Department, please contact:
Grupo Farmasierra has an Internal Information System with an Internal Information Channel through which employees and collaborators can report, even anonymously, any actions or omissions that may constitute violations of European Union law or serious or very serious criminal and administrative offenses.
The Internal Information Channel of Grupo Farmasierra allows the submission of information in writing, via postal mail, or through the enabled digital medium.
The processing of personal data is carried out for the purpose of proceeding with the communication and processing of the file, in accordance with Law 2/2023 and the applicable regulations on Data Protection.
- The postal address to which the communication should be sent is:
Grupo Farmasierra
Attention: Compliance Officer
Carretera de Irún, Km 26,200
28709 San Sebastián de los Reyes – Madrid
- The digital medium enabled to receive information is the following email address:
- Upon the request of the informant, information can also be submitted through a face-to-face meeting with the System Manager within a maximum period of seven days. After receiving the information, the System Manager will acknowledge receipt within a maximum period of 7 days and, if applicable, will initiate the corresponding investigation. Once concluded, within a maximum period of 3 months, extendable if necessary for another 3 months, the outcome will be reported to the informant, unless it may harm the normal development of a subsequent administrative or judicial procedure.
Anonymous communications must be made exclusively by email, through an address that does not identify the informant by name, surname, initials, nickname, or any other identifying element, and it must be an address that has not been previously communicated to Grupo Farmasierra.
Las comunicaciones anónimas se deberán efectuar exclusivamente por medio de correo electrónico, a través de una dirección de correo que no identifique al informante por su nombre, apellidos, iniciales, apodo o cualquier otro elemento
identificativo, y deberá tratarse de una dirección que no haya sido previamente comunicada a Grupo Farmasierra.
The general principles regarding the communication of information and the protection of the informant are as follows:
- The Internal Information System is the preferred channel for reporting offenses.
- The rights of the informant are guaranteed.
- Confidentiality of the identity of the informant and the affected party within the scope of the Internal Information System is guaranteed.
- Management of information according to the regulated procedure, maintaining the confidentiality of the facts and data of the procedure, is guaranteed.
- Guarantee of non-retaliation against the informant is ensured.
- The right to the presumption of innocence, the right of defense, and access to the file of the affected person are guaranteed.
Millions of units manufactured per year
Square meters of facilities
Production Lines
Export countries
Products developed
Medicines commercialized
Therapeutic areas
Medicines licensed
Meters of storage
Controlled temperature ranges
Automated order processing carousels
Thanks to our manufacturing capacity, the Farmasierra Group has expanded its manufacturing services internationally covering more than 60 countries, a figure which is forecast to increase in the coming years.
Headquarters: Madrid, Spain.
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.
Algeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Mauritania, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia and Uganda.
Israel, Thailand, Vietnam, Austraila, New Zealand, Japan and Korea.

Countries for which we manufacture
Farmasierra headquarters

Farmasierra headquarters
Madrid, Spain